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About Me

Gaming, Writing & Having Fun With Both!

So, a little about me and why I do this in the first place. Simply put, I find it fun!

I know, I know that is probably too simple an answer for an 'About Me' page so, a little more background to give you a better idea... Well, about me!


So, hello there, I'm Daniel AKA the Silentfox if you prefer to use my online handle of choice. I've been writing and gaming as hobbies for as long as I can remember though I never really pursued writing as a career option until relatively recently (hence this very site!) Though my love of stories actually came from gaming with my very first RPG in my early teens on the famous grey box of fun, the PlayStation.


Saying that probably gives people a huge hint in the fact that my first RPG (or JRPG if you are splitting hairs) was Final Fantasy VII. That game showed me how amazing not only stories could be but how incredible games could be with a good story as well. Though finding RPGs on the Playstation with only small local gaming stores proved tricky so it wasn't until I headed off to college and got my first hand me down PC that my love of RPG's really exploded.


Trying out demos of various games I stumbled across one for a game called Fallout which seemed to mix my two favourite genres together (namely RPG and Strategy.) That led to me hunting down the first two Fallout games which lead to Baldur's Gate, Deus Ex, Knights of the Old Republic and more which I am likely forgetting. There were other games as well in which I found my imagination conjuring stories like XCOM and other more open or sandbox-style games. 


So, here I am writing stories (and a gaming blog) in the hope of sharing some of that enjoyment with anyone who decides to read what I write. As well as hoping that maybe I can hopefully turn writing into a career, better late than never right?


I hope that you enjoy reading on this site and any support you give is always hugely appreciated!

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