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3 More of My Favourite Sci-Fi Shows!

Writer: Daniel LawsonDaniel Lawson

Yes, I know, hardly original but I had so many favourites I left out last week it didn't feel right not doing another one, so here we are! It also gives me time to figure out how to lay out the actual review page properly too so I'd call that a win. Speaking of reviews, I still have a few in the works the next one should be The Last Spell followed by Dragon Age: Origins and then probably Fallout 2 if all goes to plan.

So, as I said last time science fiction is probably my favourite genre for most media be it games, movies, TV shows and the like. Choosing just three wasn't easy given that as I was writing the last blog post I remembered a bunch more and it didn't feel right just leaving them out hence here we are again!

I will do something next week I promise but some sleep deprivation last week made my imagination go a bit wonky. Hence just an easy follow-on post while my brain catches back up. So, before I spend a few more paragraphs rambling on about nothing in particular, let's get this post going properly!

Side note: This won't be too long as I mostly am trying to focus more on the reviews themselves!


Doctor Who

Now, I do mean the new ones, not the old ones to clarify, I may be getting a bit creaky but I am not that old (yet.) I have only seen seasons 1 to 10 but that's enough to know I liked what I saw. Intentionally low-budget sci-fi but it works thanks to the writing and characters in my mind. A wide range of foes and problems to overcome always made me want to see what the next episode would bring, there was also a sense of continuity which I always enjoy in episodic shows.

My favourite era was probably David Tennant and Matt Smith, those are the seasons I remember the most. It was also pretty spooky at times though while most people fear the Dalek's for me it was the Cybermen. Maybe that's just me though, which of the Doctor's foes did you find scariest?


Battlestar Galactica (Remake)

I nearly put this in last week but as I am making a point this time to avoid the Star Wars/Star Trek stuff this takes an easy second place for me. Honestly, not even sure where to start with this show yet I'll give it a shot! The last remnants of humanity fleeing an enemy of their own creation and trying to survive along the way.

The space battles and technology, honestly, feel very grounded and believable to me. There are no energy weapons, no shields and faster-than-light travel is very risky which makes the space battles pretty spectacular. The characters and writing were also fantastic and the entire show explores a lot of different themes seemingly all at once without it ever getting too confusing.

If you like sci-fi, I'd be surprised if you didn't like BSG (I may even do a review for BSG: Deadlock the game.)


Stargate: SG-1 & Atlantis

Ah, the two Stargate shows (we don't talk about infinity) I should have put this in the number two spot last week but to make up for it I'll shove it into the top spot this time! Also, yes I put them both together as I couldn't in good conscience leave either one out over the other so deal with it.

Writing something spoiler-free for this is very tricky but overall it is one of my all-time favourites, humanity's first foray into exploring space via the titular Stargate while trying to defend Earth from all kinds of foes. It sounds a bit cheesy though it works probably helped by the good writing and amazing characters... Honestly, I love the entire cast but Jack O'Neill is probably my favourite just for the humour he injects into the role. For Atlantis, it goes to John Shepard and Rodney McKay hands down though for similar reasons.

If you ever want to binge a couple of sci-fi shows I can wholeheartedly recommend these two Stargate's. Do you have a favourite character? Do you prefer one show over another?


Yes, I know it was a bit of a shorter one this time but I am quickly learning that writing about something and avoiding spoilers is quite the task, I'll get the hang of it hopefully! Do you have any favourites among these shows? Characters you like seeing the adventures of? Let me know!

Also don't forget I have a Patreon and Ko-Fi, links are just a button press away at the top if you wish to support me and keep me writing! Thanks for reading!



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