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Writer: Daniel LawsonDaniel Lawson

Fox shaped plans.

Now, I know I did one of these recently but this one is a bit more complete after spending some time thinking about things I may write reviews for or just first impressions of. As well as potentially returning to some old ideas in a new way, especially after the recent poll I ran on Twitter.

This is mainly just to give a rough idea of some of the things I am considering doing at present. Some possible ideas for the future and the like as well as even some of my old style of content from the old site returning. Generally, I feel I should stick with what I feel more confident writing about, which for me would be gaming.

The blog will also become less regular, mainly as I see it as a means of writing about things that don't fit into the realm of a review or just cover topics I find interesting more easily. Not sure how regular they will be, two a month perhaps? We'll see how it goes as I'd rather focus my time on the things I -want- to write about!

Guides, I don't feel I have the relevant knowledge or skills to do them justice meaning I likely will leave that idea on the backburner. Movies and TV shows, sure I love them but I think they will just be topics for the blog rather than reviews. So, with that rambling opening aside let's get into the specifics of what is coming up!

Reviews for Old Games & Indie Games

  • Fallout 2 Review: It's still in the works, I had to re-write what I'd written given I realised it sounded far too similar to the Fallout 1 review. Understandable given how similar they are but the new version reads a lot better. Expect it mid-May at the latest!

  • Scarlet Tower: This will follow on from the Fallout 2 review, it's a fun little bullet-heaven/action rogue-lite and as it's recently hit 1.0 I feel okay reviewing it. Expect that at the end of May.

  • Fallout Tactics: This will be reviewed after Scarlet Tower, not everyone's favourite Fallout game I'll admit though with the resurgence of people playing Fallout it makes reviewing them all feel a lot easier to justify. Expect this in June.

The games above are more concrete, in terms of if and when. The next list of games are things I want to try and cover with no clue when or in what order they may happen.

  • Fallout 3, New Vegas & 4: I do want to cover these though they will likely take a bit longer to do justice to. Which is also why doing Fallout 76 is very much a huge maybe right now. They are also quite a departure from the first three games. These were the games that shifted it toward a first-person RPG.

  • Templar Battleforce & Startraders Frontiers: I love both of the Trese Brothers games, so covering them both feel like it would have happened at some point. The former is a turn-based tactics game not too far removed from Space Hulk. The latter is a free-roaming space-sandbox game that feels almost like a board game, it's awesome too!

Some Possible Future Content

These next things are just some things I am considering looking into, no time-frame just some possibilities rattling around in my head. Not set in stone or anything and there's a mix of old games and indie games I'm tempted to review. So, without further ado!

  • The Original XCOM Games: That is Enemy Unknown/UFO Defence, Terror from the Deep & Apocalypse. They are some of my all-time favourite strategy games, having said that I'll likely make use of Open XCOM to deal with the bugs and issues.

  • Xenonauts: The indie spiritual successor to the original XCOM games. I have nothing against the reboot from Firaxis and I like them for what they are but they don't capture the same feel to me.

  • Heroes of Might & Magic 3 + 4: The strategy RPG series that holds a special place in my gaming heart, these two are my favourites. I know 3 is held up as the gold standard but I liked 4 as well despite it's issues.

  • Bullet Heaven Games: I have a fair few lying around though I'll wait for them to hit 1.0 before I give my thoughts on them. Halls of Torment, Rogue Genesia and Soulstone survivors to name a few of them.

  • Old Games: There is a lot I am tempted to look into writing about, Alpha Centauri, Original War and Dungeon Keeper but I don't want to over plan just yet.

  • Indie games: The Riftbreaker is a favourite of mine plus the Trese Brothers have another game in the works, Cyberknight Flashpoint which I am tempted to look into.

So, as you can see there is a lot planned potentially, yet that isn't all either! While writing guides may be off the table I am considering bringing back the story let's plays or in-character gameplay diaries. I have a few ideas for games that would work for it, EVE Online, X4, Bannerlords, Rimworld, Dwarf Fortress and a few others that have potential.

Anyway, with that out of the way you should have a rough idea of what to look forward to going forward. Remember if you wish to support me, share the links, donate via Ko-Fi or subscribe via Patreon and you'll be forever awesome to me!

Thanks for reading!


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