Welcome to my Gaming Blog!

So, What's it All About?
First of all, hi there! I appreciate you taking the time to read this so, let me explain what it will be all about going forward. Simply put, it will be a blog about gaming from things I enjoyed, features I liked or might want to see in upcoming content and just gaming in general. I may even branch out into (spoiler-free) reviews and the like as well though I'll see how it goes. Reviews and the like have always been something I toyed with as an idea but never taken the plunge, so let's see what the future holds, eh?
The blog is in addition to my stories to ensure there is always some content going up on my site given how long it usually takes me to write a story even when I have the inspiration. It was also something I wanted to do before but wasn't 100% sure about how I wanted to approach it. So, here we are at last!
So, that's that for this introduction to what my blog is aiming to include, just the general thoughts of a slightly whacky gamer and writer about his favourite hobby with an occasional big story thrown in for good measure! Watch this space and let us hopefully enjoy the journey together!
SilentFox Not So Silently Signing Off!
A short but sweet intro to get things moving though having said that any feedback or support is greatly appreciated too! Whether it's just saying what you liked (or didn't), sharing it on social media or more directly via Ko-Fi & Patreon (nice clicky buttons at the top) it is hugely appreciated!